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Blessed Mother, we thank you for delivering a new and worthwhile entry in one of the most iconic gaming franchises of all time.
Diablo 4 Review - Blizzard's Iconic Series is Back in a Big Way
Breaking Bad alternate ending
Brisbane, Queensland
11326 posts
The fans asked and they delivered!

05:44pm 17/11/13 Permalink
05:44pm 17/11/13 Permalink
Reverend Evil™
Wynnum, Queensland
21618 posts

That's hilarious.
09:21pm 17/11/13 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
6346 posts
Haha Newhart homage ftw
09:31pm 17/11/13 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
1294 posts
Hahaha so good!
12:17am 18/11/13 Permalink
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
1700 posts

(I've never seen a full ep of MitM; maybe I should rectify that)
01:00am 18/11/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3436 posts
in the alternate alternate, malcolm and dewie bust in and tip buckets of the bluest h2o on them

must be something in the water
02:41am 18/11/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6585 posts
dammit the f*****s have taken the vid down.

another link?
09:24am 18/11/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3129 posts
09:26am 18/11/13 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
1295 posts
This link is still working: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKdBHfsubRE

Any idea why they're taking them down?
09:43am 18/11/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11328 posts
That would be because it's a DVD extra, not an official YouTube video.
12:45pm 18/11/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
165 posts
see i knew it ended that way, trippers lol
04:57pm 18/11/13 Permalink
04:57pm 18/11/13 Permalink
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