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Blessed Mother, we thank you for delivering a new and worthwhile entry in one of the most iconic gaming franchises of all time.
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R.I.P. Lemmy
Other International
24 posts
01:32am 30/12/15 Permalink
01:32am 30/12/15 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
23055 posts
02:39am 30/12/15 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
39946 posts
I will choose to remember him by his fierce mole
08:21am 30/12/15 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7334 posts
02:39pm 30/12/15 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
2005 posts
very sad news indeed I watched a doco called " Lemmy " a few years ago and it really made me appreciate his and motorheads work a lot more.

05:43pm 01/01/16 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10817 posts
indeed news - though I'm surprised the gent saw 70

Rev's post conjured a tickle on the 'shorts' situation

it was good see Lemmy get on board on the Brutal Legend game project - it wouldn't have worked without the guy there.
08:43pm 03/01/16 Permalink
08:43pm 03/01/16 Permalink
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