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The Paperclips Game
AGN Admin
Other International
39887 posts
09:53am 06/03/20 Permalink
09:53am 06/03/20 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7776 posts
this rules
06:41pm 06/03/20 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11837 posts
there's a second part to it after you release the hypno-drones?

oh no!!!!
11:30pm 07/03/20 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11838 posts
okay, clocked it. Cool game, thanks trog!
05:36pm 08/03/20 Permalink
AGN Admin
Other International
39888 posts
there's a second part to it after you release the hypno-drones?

oh no!!!!
just when you think you're done it opens up new stuff. it's amazing.

as a learning exercise for some unrelated stuff I've been using it as a test bed to much around with, generating some graphs of activity, automating parts of it, etc. As much fun as the game. I'm on my 3rd universe atm.

10:24pm 10/03/20 Permalink
10:24pm 10/03/20 Permalink
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