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Ardy's AOEO Tiny Tournament, $80AUD Prize Pool Flexible Schedul...
Cairns, Queensland
40 posts

I'm proud to announce my first AOEO tournament with a cash prize pool, and the first AOEO Tiny Tournament!

Challonge Sign Up: https://challonge.com/Ardystinytourney

AOEO Project Celeste Forum Post: https://forums.projectceleste.com/threads/ardys-aoeo-tiny-tournament.5556

The registrations will close and within minutes of closure brackets will be finalized and players will be able to schedule and play their games from the start of the day (00:00 UTC) on 27th of December 2021!

All rounds will be tentatively scheduled in order to ensure flexibility for the players around their personal lives over the holiday period. Please try play out at least one series a week and three a fortnight until completion. Guys it's Tiny, not turtling vs 8 ai with your relatives :P

Watch live on my twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/ardeshiir, with some games possibly being played on other AOEO caster or player streams, and with finals games potentially happening on the Project Celeste twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/projectceleste.

VODS will be uploaded to my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCosBCpvScgvRk_Cq2OGE0Uw, and possibly other AOEO Youtube channels such as the Project Celeste channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gS69ffCAeqvJrqWvlnZgg, or that of other casters and players.

I will be attending the tournament myself (with player point-of-view streaming of all games) and allowing other players and casters to stream to maximise coverage by our little volunteer casting crew. Hence wanting to stipulate I can't lock in the entire hosting and VOD situation now, but I may update this later :)

Initial Prize Pool, values in Australian Dollars ($AUD), and ingame coin rewards. Both funded by myself (Ardeshir)

1st - $40, 250,000 coin

2nd - $25, 150,000 coin

3rd - $15, 100,000 coin

4th-8th - 50,000 coin

Players welcome to donate ingame rewards to the prize pool as well! Message me on the PvP Discord https://discord.com/invite/ecMmsTE to chip in!

Map and Civ Rules

As the title and intro suggest, all games are to be played on Tiny

All rounds are Best of 7, and players can only win once per civilization per series. Players can play civilizations back-to-back if they are the losing player.

Players can only call for a restart within the first 30 seconds of the game and must pause or resign when doing so in order to let the admin be aware of the call. Simply messaging re and playing on can sometimes mean the call is missed. Players may only restart once per game.

Feel free to subscribe on twitch, and donate to show your support.

Project Celeste PvP tournament donations pool:




09:54pm 19/12/21 Permalink
09:54pm 19/12/21 Permalink
09:54pm 19/12/21 Permalink
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