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AoE4 Australian Championship 2022! 3 Minor Tournaments Totalling a A...
Cairns, Queensland
49 posts

Hey all,
Just recently, m3ster announced his plans to run a series of tournaments for AoEIV in /r/aoe4 (https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe4/comments/uv47ka/announcing_the_aoe4_australian_championship_2022/), meaning that Australia-server, AEST/AEDT-centric minor events are back on the menu for Oceanic (and possibly East-Asian) players!
We will have 3 tournaments over the next couple of months, totalling a AU$1000 prize pool!
Rulebook: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RqrSvkxdAB7wXUiTvvFM6Oct80ZWmmd0OpKsKRALApQ/
Challonge/start.gg/equivalent signup page for season 1 to come!

08:45pm 24/05/22 Permalink
08:45pm 24/05/22 Permalink
08:45pm 24/05/22 Permalink
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