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Spartan's Showmatch Saturday! 3x $50 Best of 5 Match Ups for Ag...
Cairns, Queensland
53 posts
Hows it going sheilas and blokes,

Spartan welcomes us to his biggest event yet. This Saturday! (3rd Sept)

Follow his channel now! and be there to watch the following:

Hades vs Vamosmidi - BEST OF 5 - 10:00 EST (14:00 UTC)
Pozeidon vs Koolcat - BEST OF 5 - 15:00 EST (19:00 UTC)
Libo vs Nemesiis - BEST OF 5 - 17:00 EST (21:00 UTC)

Spots may still be up for grabs for co-casting if Starofknight hasn't pinched them all yet! Shoutouts to him for cocasting last week.

Enjoy the games guys. Big thanks to Spartan for putting so many events together lately.

Don't forget it has only been a couple of months since the most radical balance change in AoEO PvP history since we got our own seperate balance from PvE and itemization was taken out!

Sparta Ranked PvP Rewards have recently been buffed!

Lightning & Deathmatch Modes, as well as the custom maps Tiny and Connected Rivers (and any out-of-season PvP maps) are available in custom PvP from the Arena in your Home City!

11:49pm 01/09/22 Permalink
11:49pm 01/09/22 Permalink
11:49pm 01/09/22 Permalink
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