We take an in-depth look at Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora and tell you why it should be heavily on your radar!
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora - a Deep-Dive into its Potential
The GeForce RTX 4060 is out this week, and NVIDIA let us check out the new mainstream GPU early to see what DLSS 3 brings to Cyberpunk 2077 and the still-gorgeous Night City.
GeForce RTX 4060 Preview - Cyberpunk 2077, RT, and DLSS 3!
On emergent gameplay, canon, era and period and on Kay and Nix's relationship, among much more!
Star Wars Outlaws - The Big Massive Interview
Blessed Mother, we thank you for delivering a new and worthwhile entry in one of the most iconic gaming franchises of all time.
Diablo 4 Review - Blizzard's Iconic Series is Back in a Big Way
Spartan's Showmatches - September 10th/11th - Epic Matchups Bet...
Cairns, Queensland
54 posts

$25 & $50 Best of 5s With Commentary! Check it out on Project Celeste!


Pharos vs Starofknight - BEST OF 5 - September 11th 10:00 EST (14:00 UTC) - $50 for the winner

Fresh balance patch out too! How will our players adapt?

More games coming soon!

01:42am 10/09/22 Permalink
01:42am 10/09/22 Permalink
01:42am 10/09/22 Permalink
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