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How to modify Battlefield 1942 and Vietnam, completely "server-...
Cairns, Queensland
61 posts
Hey guys I've just put together a 4 part video series on nearly everything I know about editing map .rfa's to make SSM maps in both BF1942 and BFV.
1. Introduction To The Long Lost Art (Basics of both, a start to finish creation of a basic patch with adjusted object spawn templates and control point templates. Using WinRFA for dummies. How to set up your folders for DIY modding. Unpacking objects.rfa for learning vehicle names)
2. Adding bots to TDM, CTF and CQ for BF1942 - with the jetpack crash in Secret Weapons Expansion maps fixed. Unpacking game.rfa in order to adjust the relevant AI folder/files in the map.rfa. Unpacking objects.rfa for learning vehicle and handweapon names.
3. Modifying scoring in BF1942 (And why you can't in BFV) - modifying game.rfa
4. Adding Support for Air Vehicles in BFV Land-Only Coop maps - unsure if this is applicable for 1942
Not really looking to get into custom map development and use of battlecraft from here, however there are definitely people with that experience still running around today.
02:05am 24/03/23 Permalink
02:05am 24/03/23 Permalink
02:05am 24/03/23 Permalink
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