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How Forza Motorsport Intends to be One of the Most Accessible Drivin...
Steve Farrelly
AusGamers Editor
Sydney, New South Wales
9742 posts
And it's not a race, heh. But what Turn 10 Studios is doing for people with impairments is both incredibly interesting, and highly warranted, and today both the studio and Microsoft revealed how they've tackled opening up the experience to the vision impaired, making this forthcoming Forza Motorsport the most accessible in the series yet.

Here's a quick overview:
  • Blind Driving Assists: Blind and Low Vision players can use informational audio content during gameplay that will help them navigate tracks, improve their lap times, and complete races. Players will be able to enable each set of cues individually as well as adjust their pitch and volume to best suit their needs.
  • One Touch Driving: Players have the option to choose their own combination of enabling braking, steering, and throttle assists to reduce the number of simultaneous inputs required. These driving assists will allow users to customise their driving experience and play with as few or as many assists as they wish.
  • Screen Narrator: Players can enable narrator to receive information conveyed through the UI and to help navigate menus. In addition, there will be options for players to customise the narration system, offering new flexibility to choose what information is conveyed.
You can learn even more over on the Xbox Wire, but from the perspective of overcoming such a huge barrier of driving at ludicrous speeds in a racing game with impaired or even no vision is just super-interesting and equally heart-warming knowing that people with such impediments can get behind the wheel and enjoy the game as much as any abled person out there.

01:19pm 28/04/23 Permalink
01:19pm 28/04/23 Permalink
01:19pm 28/04/23 Permalink
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