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Post by KostaAndreadis @ 02:55pm 13/06/22 | 0 Comments
Minecraft is one of the most popular games of all time, and as we've seen with the recent action-RPG spin-off Minecraft Dungeons it's a world and setting ripe for creativity. Minecraft Legends is the latest game in the franchise, and it's described as "an all-new action strategy game" from Mojang Studios and Blackbird Interactive.

Which is the studio behind the upcoming Homeworld 3 and the recently release sim Hardspace: Shipbreaker. Launching in 2023, Minecraft Legends looks to blend exploration, building, and combat together as you lead allies into battle - up-close and personal, RTS style.

In Minecraft Legends, players will discover a gentle land, both familiar and mysterious, full of lush biomes and rich resources. But this beautiful land is on the brink of terrible change – the piglin invasion has begun and threatens to corrupt the Overworld. It´s up to the player to make unexpected friends (including some classic mobs you’ll recognize from Minecraft) to form valuable alliances and lead the way into strategic battles against the fierce invaders from the Nether.

Details are a little light, and the gameplay we see only hints at the style of strategy game it will be. What we do know is that it will support campaign co-op and competitive multiplayer. More info is expected later this year.

minecraftminecraft legendsstrategy game2023rtsmojang studiosmojangxbox showcase 2022

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