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Blessed Mother, we thank you for delivering a new and worthwhile entry in one of the most iconic gaming franchises of all time.
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Post by Dan @ 10:29am 04/02/13 | 1 Comments
PlayStation 3 players have had to wait quite a long time for the arrival of content expansions in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, but their day has now almost arrived. Bethesda has dated Dragonborn for release on February 12th, followed by Hearthfire on the 19th and Dawnguard on the 26th, which will all enjoy a 50% discount during their first week of launch.

Note that Bethblog specifically mentions that these are the North American dates, and that certification for European territories (which includes Australia and New Zealand in Sony-speak) are still being finalised. Hopefully that doesn't translate to further delay for PlayStation 3 owners around these parts.

skyrimthe elder scrolls 5bethesdadlc

Latest Comments
Posted 03:10pm 04/2/13
you can almost garentee that we will have to waight an extra month or 2 just like the last few patchs the usa got them and wernt passed on by to euope for several months
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